hey thnx fa viztng ma profile....
Why yo did not reply me ..

reply me in my wall..pleaze

Where are yo? Mm..miss yo..love yo!

Ok bro...good afternoon and same here...
Studies r alright...what about U...ok..bye..see you later...LOVE u 2 my friend...kisses for U...miss you..
'Cause when it rains i remenber you.Drop by Drop it started to rain and all i could see is only you.'Cause when it rains, I remember you.I can feel you when The Droplets Touch me... And find you standing close to me Drenched in the Memories of Time spent With YOU... 'Cause when it rains i remember you, Laying on the Ground,I LooK at the SKY,I see you there so INNOCENT,so shy. In the clouds I try to figure out you. 'Cause when it rains i remember you..