Each Moment in a day, has its own value- Morning brings hope, Afternoon brings faith, Evening brings love, Night brings rest, Wish u find them all today. Good MorningpRëM">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/04/88164/881641.jpg" border="0"/>pRëM
Don’t guess a person’s character on his present situation. Bcoz, Time has the power to change an ordinary coal into a precious diamond….Gud Evening. . .pRëM
Superb, Beautiful, joyful, wonderful, successful, helpful, blissful. Every word has a common alphabet and is the most important alphabet in it. So are '' U '' my friend the most important for me. NEAL
Good Evening my friend ">http://img102.herosh.com/2011/09/09/627311108.jpg" border="0"/> Have a coffee ">http://img104.herosh.com/2011/09/09/310777497.jpg" border="0"/> Sit besides me ">http://img103.herosh.com/2011/09/09/277057813.jpg" border="0"/> Dont panic i just told u to sit besides me ">http://img103.herosh.com/2011/09/09/479214506.jpg" border="0"/> NEAL