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10 years ago
No, sometimes -5, 0, or 1 it depends
10 years ago
Aha nice
10 years ago
have a good day
im space2338
10 years ago
Thank u(:
10 years ago

10 years ago

10 years ago
सिंह का मुखोटा लगाकर कोई शेर नहीं बनता...
भाला उठाकर कोई राणा प्रताप नहीं बनता...
रणभूमी में पता चलता हे योद्धाओ का...
मुछो की मरोड़ी लगाने से कोई राजपूत नहीं बनता...
कुछ हुनर खून में होते हे सिखाये नहीं जाते...
यु दंड बैठक लगाने से कलेजा राजपूत का नहीं बनता...
10 years ago
Dosti achchi ho to rang lati hai
Dosti gahri ho to sabko bhati hai. Dosti nadan
ho to tut jati hai.
magar dosti Humse ho to itihas ban jati hai....
10 years ago
LoG MujHe RaJa Nahi
SuLtaN KehTe Hai KyU Ki
Me KiSi RaNi kE SamNe Nhi
10 years ago
राजपूत का बचा हूँ ।
तीर , तलवार और तमंचोंसे खेलना मेरा शौक है।.
झुंड मे रहनेवालो आजमाके देखना कभीहमारी छाती पे फौलाद भी पीघलता है।.
शेर सा जिगर रखता हूँ
सिर्फअकेला निकलता हूँ।
11 years ago
11 years ago

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”

Take care of you..,Great Times..

11 years ago

Welcome Winter, Enjoy it..

Take care Always..,


11 years ago
$äñ£äýrä£ $ärväìýä
11 years ago
Its Awesome.. Must
A Man saw a Poor
Young Boy looking at
his expensive Car.
He was in a good mood
that day and so he
offered him a drive
The Boy couldn't
believe his luck and
joined him
Boy: Car is marvelous…
its so huge..What's the
Cost ?
Man: I don't know
Exactly..My Friend Gifted
Boy: So Nice of Him
Man: I know what you
are thinking..You also
want to have a friend
like him right?
Boy: No, I want to BE
THAT Friend …!!
Attitude Matters
11 years ago
12. You'll read his/her
txts over and over
11. You'll walk really
really slow while you're
with him/her...
10. You'll pretend 2 be
shy whenever you're
with him/her...
9. While thinking bout
him/her...your heart
will beat faster and
8. By listening to his/her'll smile for no
7. While looking at him/ cant see the
other people around can only see
that person...
6. You'll start listening to
SLOW songs.
5. He/She becomes all
you think about
4. You'll get high just by
their smell...
3. You'll realize that
you're always smiling to
yourself when you think
about them..
2. You'll do anything for
1. While reading this,
there was one person on
your mind the whole
11 years ago
12. You'll read his/her
txts over and over
11. You'll walk really
really slow while you're
with him/her...
10. You'll pretend 2 be
shy whenever you're
with him/her...
9. While thinking bout
him/her...your heart
will beat faster and
8. By listening to his/her'll smile for no
7. While looking at him/ cant see the
other people around can only see
that person...
6. You'll start listening to
SLOW songs.
5. He/She becomes all
you think about
4. You'll get high just by
their smell...
3. You'll realize that
you're always smiling to
yourself when you think
about them..
2. You'll do anything for
1. While reading this,
there was one person on
your mind the whole
11 years ago
Heart touching story that
brings smile
A boy and a girl were in
They met at the college,
and they
had love at the first sight.
The love
grew more and more
intense as
the time passed.
Their love was the topic
of talk over the
college. When the girl's
father came to
know about their love, he
did not
like it at all, and so began
to protest
about it.
Now it happened that the
two lovers
decided to leave their
homes for a happy
future. The girl's father
started searching for
the two lovers but could
not find
them .
At last, he accepted their
love and
asked them to come back
home thru a
local newspaper. Her
father said "If
you both come back I will
allow you to marry the
guy you love, I accept
that you loved
each other truly." So in
this way, their love won
and they returned home.
The couple next day went
to town to shop
for the wedding dress. He
was dressed
in a white shirt that day.
While he was
crossing the road to the
other side to
get some drinks for his
wife, a car
came and hit him and he
died on the spot.
The girl was devastated
and lost her
senses. It was only after
sometime that
she recovered from her
The funeral and
cremation was the very
next day because he had
died horribly.
Two nights later, the
girl's mother had
a dream in which she saw
an old lady.
The old lady asked her
mother to wash the
stains of the guy from her
dress as soon as possible.
But her
mother ignored the
The next night her father
had the same
dream , he also ignored
it. Then the
girl had the same dream
the next night, she
woke up in fear and told
her mother
about the dream. Her
mother asked her
to wash the clothes with
the blood
stains immediately.
She washed the stains
but some remained.
Next night she again had
the same
dream. She again washed
the stains but some
still remained. But again
the next
night she had the same
dream and this
time the old lady gave
her a last
warning to wash the
blood stain, or
11 years ago
Once a man went to buy
a parrot.....
Man: These parrots seem
nice, but show me the
best and healthy ones....
Shopkeeper: Sure sir, I
have three best parrots.....
Soon the shopkeeper
brought those 3
Man: How much each of
them costs...??
Shopkeeper: The 1st
parrot costs 1000$, 2nd
parrot costs 2000$ and
the 3rd parrot costs
Man: That's interesting,
but why so expensive....??
Shopkeeper: The 1st
parrot can speak many
languages and even
knows about Windows
Man: Wow...What about
the second parrot...??
Shopkeeper: Well he also
knows many languages,
plus he knows some
things about Windows XP
and Linux Operating
Man: That's
amazing....What about
the 3rd one...Why he
costs $5000....?? Which
languages he knows...??
Shopkeeper: Well, frankly
speaking, he just fires bad
words and doesn't know
anything, but the other
two parrots call
11 years ago

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