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Last login: 15 years ago
Skinner since: 15 years ago
Country/Area: karachi
Gender: Male
Age: 33

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Relation: Single
Mobile Model: NokIa N78
Mobile Operator: MObIliNK
Occupation: student
Schools: OxFARD HinGh GrAMmEr ScHOOl
I Like: CAr, MusIc, DaNcE, etc
I Hate: CaTz
Favorite Music: pop music
Favorite Movies: DecOYs 2, AliEN SeducTION
Favorite Books: Holy Quran
Favorite Celebrities: Hazrat Muhammad, S, A, W
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About Me

Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us
Give us this day our daily bread
Daily bread, daily bread

In cello et in terra fiat voluntas tua
Gloria Spiritui Sancto

What language do you speak
If you speak at all?
Are you some kind of freak
Who lives to raise the ones who fall?

Hey, could you tell me why
The cat fights the dog?
Do you go to the Mosque
Or the Synagogue?

And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger
And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?

How do you do?
How does it feel to be so high
And are you happy?
Do you ever cry?

... I sometimes cry ...

You've made mistakes
Well that's OK 'cause we all have
But if I forgive yours
Will you forgive mine?

Hey, do you feel our pain
And walk in our shoes?
Have you ever felt starved
Or is your belly always full?

How many people die
And hurt in your name?
Hey, does that make you proud
Or does it bring you shame?

And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger
And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?

How do you do?
How does it feel to be so high
And are you happy?
Do you ever cry?

... I sometimes cry ...

You've made mistakes
Well that's OK 'cause we all have
But if I forgive yours
Will you forgive mine?

Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us
...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Forgive my sins, Oh, Lord"]
Give us this day our daily bread
...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Forgiveness"]
Daily bread
...Ya Allah (S'lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Forgive us)"]
Daily bread
...Ya Allah (S'lach lanu)...

Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us
...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah...
Give us this day our daily bread
Daily bread
...S'lach lanu...
Daily bread
Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory

How do you do?
How does it feel to be so high
And are you

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